, , ,,,, galopp, fariflend.gp
Nice Galopp Horse in -kategória- Category, GOOD
Good Appearance Galopp Horse in -kategória- Category,BETTER
His Better Horse of Fariflend Competation
2st Placed of Fariflend Competation, GOOD
Good Galopp Horse in (xméter)m Category, - Good Racehorse in 900 m / 1400 m / 1900 m / 2400 m
- 3rd Placed of Legend's Race, Good Stallion / Mare in LongDistance
- 3rd Placed of LongDistance Horses' Derby
Good Racehorse in 900 m / 1400 m / 1900 m / 2400 m
- 3rd Placed of Legend's Race
...pénznyeremény:10.000Ft,70.000,200.000Ft,-,100.000, 10.000lbp
...tárgynyeremény (ha van):
Good Racehorse in 900 m / 1400 m / 1900 m / 2400 m
- 3rd Placed of Legend's Race
2011.04.09. 11:40
Neved: Karly
Lovad neve: Taffy Saturn Of The Fariflend
- ? hely || Verseny neve || Kategória || oldal címe
...cím(ek): GOOD
2nd Placed -szakág angolul- Horse in 50. Jubilee Competition
2nd Placed -alkategória, ha nincs akkor szakág- Horse in 50. Jubilee Competition ,
His Better Horse of Fariflend Competation
2st Placed of Fariflend Competation
1.hely, Foal Appearance with Breeds,küllem, ponyisland.gp
...cím(ek):- ELITE
- Most Beautiful Horse in PonyIsland
- 1st Placed of Appearance in Europe,ELITE
- The Most Beautiful Horse in PonyIsland
- 1st Placed of Provenance Appearance,ELITE
- The Most Beautiful Foal in PonyIsland
- 1st Placed of Foal Appearance with Breeds
...pénznyeremény:400.000lbp, 400.000lbp, 400.000lbp
...tárgynyeremény (ha van):
Lovad neve: Love D' Twilight
- ? hely || Verseny neve || Kategória || oldal címe
2.hely, Memory Race for Secretariat, galopp,horsandel.gp
3.hely,Memory Race for Secretariat , küllem,horsandel.gp
4.hely,LongDistance Horses' Derby
, galopp , galopp, ponyisland.gp
Good Galopp Horse in -kategória- Category,NICE
Nice Appearance Galopp Horse in -kategória- Category, 4th Placed of LongDistance Horses' Derby
...pénznyeremény: 30.000Ft, 40.000Ft, 50.000lbp
...tárgynyeremény (ha van):
Lovad neve: My Gift's Heart
- ? hely || Verseny neve || Kategória || oldal címe
3.hely,Memory Race for Secretariat , galopp,horsandel.gp
2.hely, Memory Race for Secretariat, küllem, horsandel.gp
2.hely, Fariflend fajta Karegóriás verseny, küllem, fariflend.gp
5.hely,Zenyatta Respect Competition,
3.hely, Legend's Race 2011 ,galopp, ponyisland.gp
3.hely,LongDistance Horses' Derby ,galopp, ponisland.gp
, , ,,,, galopp, fariflend.gp
Nice Galopp Horse in -kategória- Category, GOOD
Good Appearance Galopp Horse in -kategória- Category,BETTER
His Better Horse of Fariflend Competation
2st Placed of Fariflend Competation, GOOD
Good Galopp Horse in (xméter)m Category, - Good Racehorse in 900 m / 1400 m / 1900 m / 2400 m
- 3rd Placed of Legend's Race, Good Stallion / Mare in LongDistance
- 3rd Placed of LongDistance Horses' Derby
Good Racehorse in 900 m / 1400 m / 1900 m / 2400 m
- 3rd Placed of Legend's Race
...pénznyeremény:10.000Ft,70.000,200.000Ft,-,100.000, 10.000lbp
...tárgynyeremény (ha van):
Good Racehorse in 900 m / 1400 m / 1900 m / 2400 m
- 3rd Placed of Legend's Race